Minutes later, five babies came through the door as Marie was talking through the process with us. It only took seconds for us to identify Chloe and was a great moment for us. The first couple was announced and received their baby from a nanny. Literally 40 or 50 flashes went off as it was more like a press conference. Our turn was next. We stepped to the front of the room as Marie led the orphanage assistant director to us with Qian Jiang Min, soon to be Chloe Beach. The hand off was to Elaine without a whimper or tear. There were several flashes as cameras went off everywhere, and then ushered out of the room to move on to the next couple. This went on about every 3 minutes. We expected to be more emotional, but the process was very ceremonial. After the five babies from our orphanage were handed to their forever families, we presented gifts to the assistant director and got pictures with her and the nanny.
Chloe had travelled 6 hours to come to us and was very tired. She fell asleep in Elaine's arms before getting back to the room. We were told the babies would be ready for a bottle, so we took off her polar fleece vest and tried to give her a bottle. She wasn't very interested and only took about an ounce. She seemed very tired and wanted to rub her eyes over and over so we decided to let her go to sleep. Not only did she sleep, but slept through the night until 5:00 this morning!
This morning she seemed happy to see us and drank several ounces of water, which we were told is very important in these first few days. We then gave her a bath, which she didn't like. But wouldn't you know it, she fell asleep as we rinsed her off.
Since she was up, we decided to take her to breakfast. There were very many babies at breakfast. What a fun time to see so many of the parents. While I sat at a table, the maitre de brought me a steamed egg, a very traditional Chinese dish fed to babies and small children. It's sorta like a light, fluffy pudding. We began to feed her and she ate quite a lot. I think we were rather surprised to see her eat so well. We also tried a bite of watermelon, which she promptly spit out and some rice congee, another traditional rice dish, similar to oat meal, except more clear and made from rice. This was also not to her liking. We now know what to look for when she doesn't like something.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and walked with us on this journey. Chloe is finally in our arms and part of our family.
Wow, isn't it amazing?
Chloe is beautiful!
Enjoy each minute in Chongqing.
The time will fly and you'll wish you could go back to this wonderful city.
The George's
Good Morning,
I guess you are going to bed soon, but I just got the girls off to school.
I'm feeling fine today, but I do have an appointment with a new doctor tomorrow that I had made last Tuesday.
I'm going to ask him to sort out all the info that I got at the hospital, and regulate my new thyroid medications.
Chloe looks very relaxed in her pictures! I think she likes you!
I am sure God is helping her to feel the warmth and protection of your arms and your love.
I've been praying she would feel the Lord's arms around her until you got there!
I'm glad that his arms are protecting all of us while we are so far apart.
Ex. 34:6 I am the Lord, the merciful and gracious God...rich in unfailing love and faithfulness.
How true that word is! Let's walk in that one today!
Love from all of us...MOM
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