Sep 15, 2007

September Matches

35 Days
China has matched to Nov. 25, '05
We're counting down 'til Dec. 30, '05
We were very disappointed to see that Sept. only brought 4 days of matches. After the initial shock, we took a deep breath and just said, "OK God, what's next?" He seems to let us know just the next thing to do. As difficult as this is, we can rest assured that His timing for our family to be complete is just perfect. We spent some time last weekend shopping for a care package we may be able to send to our baby after our match. It was so fun to look at baby things again! Even though things are slow right now, we can truly say that we will soon have our daughter. It's been fun to watch our friends from Columbus as they travel to China this week (see the link on right). Watching them, reminds us this is actually going to happen! Please pray along with us that our precious little one will have enough to eat, a blanket to stay warm, and someone to love her and respond to her when she cries. God bless!