May 23, 2011

Creepy Crawlies

    So the last blog post I refused to include a picture of Chloe petting a snake at the zoo.  It was just too creepy for me.  Saturday the girls were planting some flowers and guess what Chloe brought inside to me - a whole handful of worms.  I quickly took her pictures and then said, "get them out of my house before you drop one!"  This is the same girl who would not go down the slide because there were bugs outside.  Go figure.  Worms and snakes, no problem - flies, problem.
Chloe after watching the Karate Kid movie.
I am happy to report that Chloe's elbow will be fine and she will out grow the problem of the loose ligaments that allow her elbow to get dislocated so easily.  We just have to be careful with it for a while.  Woohoo, no more sling!

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