May 14, 2007

May Update

Thanks for hanging in there with us. China (CCAA) matched 6 log-in days at the beginning of May. It was a great improvement from the 2 day matches of April, but still not back to "normal" numbers in the teens. Our agency has explained that there were an unusually high number of application logged in the end of Oct 2005 (nearly a month worth in the last week), so the CCAA has not really slowed down the matching. It just has to do with the high numbers logged in during that time. They matched through Nov. 1st this last time, so hopefully they will get back to average numbers again for June. At any rate, this puts our wait time out until at least Oct. Now we're just hoping to travel by the end of the year. We love your comments and we'll let you know if we hear anything else.

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