We are remodeling at our house and Chloe got in the action to help scrape wallpaper off the walls.
Once again the on-going saga of moving Chloe further from our bed has caused quite a commotion. She is still sleeping in our room, but she can't see us. Night time has been quiet, but Chloe has shown her disapproval during the day. She is as contrary as possible. Everything Chloe knows she is not supposed to do has appeared. In this regression, however, the screaming and biting has not come back like it did last time. This falls right in line with the premise that she will regress, but each time not regress as far, come out of it more quickly, and move further ahead once she has come through. So even in this regression, we see "progress." Please continue to pray for our sanity. It's hard to make your kids take "medicine" they need when it makes them grouchy all day.
Chloe is still playing with our 4 kittens. She has become so attached to them and they have become very calm kittties. This one is just watching her play DS.